December 2024
There is a song that I learned in Sunday School as a young child by the Late Rev. James Cleveland.
G-d has, smiled on me, He has set me free.
G-d has, smiled on me, He’s been good to me.
As I reflect on this song, I think about how good G-d has been to me. He allowed me to work for many years and now He has enabled me to retire. Not retire from working altogether, but just from my corporate job. It has been my prayer for a long time to retire and work alongside my husband, and to spend quality time with family and friends. That makes me smile.
Proverbs 15:13 – “A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.”
Three years ago this month, our beloved Dad passed. It doesn’t seem that long ago but as I reflect on the years and memories of my Dad, I am very grateful and thankful for the time we had with him. Memories of my Dad makes me smile.
Today, so many people are without hope BUT there is hope (in G-d). G-d sees and knows everything about us, where we live, what we do and why we do not SMILE.
You see, you can have a bad day and still smile. Things may not be going your way (but you can still smile). Okay, well what about when you receive a bad report? Yes, stressful and not knowing the outcome can place you in a depressed state. Knowing G-d and placing your trust in Him can place a smile on your face. As the second hand on a clock keeps ticking into minutes, minutes into hours and hours into days, there will be ups and downs, changes and new journeys that can change your smile into a frown. Life happens – here is a scripture for you to ponder on.
Ecclesiastes 3:1,4 – “To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: A time to weep, and a time to laugh; A time to mourn, and a time to laugh.”
Let me encourage you. The L-RD Jesus wants to comfort you and can comfort you in every season of your life. That’s worth a smile. The L-RD Jesus said in His Word –
Matthew 11:28-30 – “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (emphasis mine)
We can come to Jesus with our burdens, situations and life itself. Knowing this should bring a smile on your face. In closing, here is a scripture to encourage you.
Proverbs 31:25 (NASB) – “Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future.”